We all want to live long, healthy, and happy lives, but most of us don’t have the time or money to sort through the latest scientific findings to determine what tools are worth our effort. Splashy headlines about stem-cell therapies and “young blood” transfusions make advances in anti-aging seem unattainable to all but the Silicon Valley billionaires among us, but in fact, we have more longevity resources at our disposal than we realize

In ‘The Story Box’ Podcast, we discussed with Jay Fantom my new book ‘The Science and Technology of Growing Young’, where I demystify the longevity landscape, cutting through the hype and showing readers what they can do now to live better for longer, and offering a look into the exciting possibilities that await us. By viewing aging as a condition that can be cured, we can dramatically revolutionize the field of longevity and make it accessible for everyone

I hope you’ll enjoy our conversation!